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<grudzień 2024>

Assoc. Prof. Adam Długosz
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
room 106
phone +48 32 237 1074

polish version


Academic discipline

  • Mechanical Engineering

Scientific activity

  • PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering (2001)
  • habilitated doctor of technical sciences in mechanics (2014)

Research interests

  • multicriteria optimization
  • metaheuristic optimization methods
  • numerical modelling of coupled problems
  • application of CAE systems in identification and optimization tasks


Author of over 100 papers, including:
16 indexed in ISI Web of Science, 5 chapters in books, 2 monogrphs.

List of selected publications:

  • Beluch W., Długosz A., Multiobjective global optimization of mechanical systems with cracks, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2020;58(2):553–564.
  • Długosz A., Schlieter T., Evolutionary identification of microstructure parameters in the thermoelastic porous material, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2020;58(2):373–384.
  • Burczynski, T., Kuś, W., Beluch, W., Długosz, A., Poteralski, A., Szczepanik, M., Intelligent Computing in Optimal Design , Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Series Volume 261, Springer International Publishing 2020.
  • Długosz, A.; Jarosz, P.; Schlieter, T. Optimal Design of Electrothermal Microactuators for Many Criteria by Means of an Immune Game Theory Multiobjective Algorithm, Applied Sciences 2019, 9, 4654,
  • Długosz A., Klimek W., The Optimal Design of UAV Wing Structure, Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM2017), American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1922, 120009-1–120009-8; Published by AIP Publishing, 2018.
  • Długosz A., Schlieter T., Multiobjective Optimization of 3D Porous Thermoelastic Structures, Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM2017), American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1922, 030007-1–030007-8; Published by AIP Publishing, 2018.
  • Długosz A., Pokorska I., Glinicki M.A., Jaskulski R. Identification of thermal properties of hardening concrete by means of evolutionary algorithms Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science, Vol. 24, pp. 101–111, 2017.
  • Długosz A., Klimek W.,  Multi-objective optimization of the UAV wing by means of evolutionary computations Mechanika 2016, Volume 22(6), pp. 530-536
  • Beluch W., Długosz A.,   Multiobjective and multiscale optimization of composite materials by means of evolutionary computations Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 52(2), pp. 397-409, 2016.
  • Długosz A. Jarosz P. Multiobjective optimization of electrothermal microactuators by means of Immune Game Theory Multiobjective Algorithm. Advances in mechanics: theoretical, computational and interdisciplinary issues. Proceedings of the 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics (PCM) and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM). Chapter 29, pp. 141-146, CRC Press/Balkema, 2016.
  • Długosz A., Optimization in multiscale thermoelastic problems Computer Methods in Materials Science, vol.14, No.1, pp. 86-93, 2014.
  • Długosz A. Burczyński T., Intelligent computing in optimization of coupled problems Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering V Pages: 387-398, pp. 86-93, 2013.
  • Długosz A., Burczyński T., Identification in multiscale thermoelastic problems, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, vol.20, No. 4, pp. 325-336, 2013 .
  • Długosz A. Optymalizacja wielokryterialna w zagadnieniach pól sprzężonych, Monografia (497), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, 141 stron, 2013.
  • Burczyński T., Długosz A., Multiobjective shape optimization of selected coupled problems by means of evolutionary algorithms, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences-Technical Sciences, Volume 60, Issue 2, pp. 215-222, 2012.
  • Długosz A., Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization of MEMS Structures, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 2010, Volume 17, No. 1, pp. 41-50, 2010.
  • Białecki R., Burczyński T.; Długosz A., Kuś W., Ostrowski Z., Evolutionary shape optimization of thermoelastic bodies exchanging heat by convection and radiation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 194, Issue 17, pp. 1839-1859, 2005.
  • Długosz A., Evolutionary computation in thermoelastic problems, IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics, Volume 117, pp. 69-80, 2004.
  • Burczyński T., Długosz A., Evolutionary optimization in thermoelastic problems using the boundary element method, Computational Mechanics Volume 28, Issue 3-4, pp. 317-324, 2002.

Membership in academic associations:

  • Member of ISSMO (International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization) since 2010.
  • Member of (PSTAM) Polish Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics since 2015.
  • Member of PACM (Polish Association for Computational Mechanics) since 2002.


  • Scientific project no N N519 313835, financed from MNiSW, entitled: “Multidiscyplinary and multicriteria optimization of technical systems” 2008-2011, (leader).
  • Project Sonderforschungsbereich no 639, financed from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the task: "Development of optimization algorithms of function-integrating components HGTT", 2012, (contractor).
  • Research and development project no 0133/R/T00/2010/12, financed from NCBiR, entitled: “Intelligent system of monitoring and control for protected areas of airports”, 2010-2013, (contractor).
  • Research and development project no N R07 0006 10, financed from NCBiR, entitled: Systsem for optimization operations and manufacturing cycles in metal processing”, 2011-2013, (contractor).
  • Project „Interactive training for engineers INTEREDU” (task: Strength of Materials) within the program “Operational Programme - Human Resources Development”, financed form EU budget - European Social Fund, 2010-2011, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no N519 383836, finance from MNiSW, entitled: “Optimization and identification in multiscale problems by means of intelligent systems”, 2009-2012, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no N N501 216637, financed from MNiSW, entitled: „Optimization of mechanical structures by means of PSO algorithms”, 2009-2012, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no N N507 448334, financed from MNiSW, entitled: „Optimization and identification In composites by means of inteligent techniqes”, 2008-2011, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no N N519 2976 33, finance from MNiSW, entitled: „Immune optimization of physical systems”, 2007-2010, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 4573/T02/2007/33, financed from MNiSW, entitled: ”Application of granular computing in machines designing”, 2007-2009, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 3T11F 00929, finance from MNiSW, entitled: ”Application of grid computing in optimization of mechanical structures”, 2005-2008, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 4T11F00822, financed from KBN, entitled: „Parallel and distributed evolutionary computing in optimal design and identification tasks, 2003-2005, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 4T07A 007 29, finance from MNiSW, entitled: „Application of intelligent computing in the design optimization of materials”, 2005-2008, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 8T10B04719, financed from KBN, entitled: ”Application of genetic algorithms In shape optimization thermoelastic bodies in the presence of radiation", 2000-2003, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no 8T10B04719, financed from KBN, entitled: “Computer sensitivity analysis an evolutionary optimization in structures with geometrical singularities”, 1999- 2001, (contractor).
Schedule on

List of publications in the base of the Main Library of SUT (database being updated)
 - all
 - Publications in journals from Web of Science
 - Publications in journals with Impact Factor




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