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<grudzień 2024>

Deputy Director of the Institute for Didactics

prof. Antoni John

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
room 150
phone +48 32 237 2439

polish version


General information

  • MSc., assistent in Silesian University of Technology from: 1979
  • PhD.: 1989 Silesian University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Faculty
  • Habilitated doctor: 2005 Silesian University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Faculty
  • Prof. in Silesian University of Technology from: 1.08.2007r.
  • Full Prof. from 2015

Design and Exploitation of Machines, Mechanics, Biomechanics

The main area of scientific and research interest:

  •  Computer methods in Mechanics and Thermo-mechanics,
  •  Biomechanics,
  •  Strength of Materials,
  •  Optimization,
  •  CAD-CAE Systems

Scientific activity

Over 270 works, in polish and world journals, conferences proceedings. Over 150 presentations on conferences, 8 on World Congresses (WCCMV 2002, 21th ICTAM 2004, WCCM2008, WCCM2014), 12 on European Congresses (ECCM2001, ESB2003, ECCOMAS2004, ESB2010, ESB2012, ECCOMAS2010, ECCOMAS2012, EUROMAT2011), over 50 on world conferences (Japan, Finland, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Italy, French, Scotland, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovak Republic, Lithuania).

Over 80 works for Industry. As part of its research should also take into account the following works: Reviewer projects (applications, interim and final reports) as part of NCN, NCBiR, POIG,

Reviewer in journals: the Journal of Vibroingineering, Design Engineering, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Maintenance Problems, Quarterly Mechanics

Supervisor 2 doctoral students participating in the program "ŚWIDER" carried out in the University of Silesia, 2012 – 2014,

Reviewer works BK and BW at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Preparation of documentation to apply for participation in the international project "Virtual Prototype" in the 7th Framework Programme (application submitted and registered under number FP7-233880, as representative of the Rector to submit an application, has not obtained approval), 2010  

Achievements Teaching

has developed programs 18 subjects, all of which led, or lectures, exercises and laboratory Panel and seminars full-time, evening and postgraduate studies. He is co-author of a set of tasks and script for laboratory strength of materials. He supervised more than 100 master's theses and engineering and has developed more than 100 reviews (MSc and BSc theses), doctoral dissertations 4, 3 habilitation. He has supervised 3 PhD theses completed. He is the author of two books on biomechanical modeling of structures for PhD students Biomechanics Engineering specialties. A series of lectures (15 hrs.) Mechanics Collisions at post-graduate studies for experts in the field of traffic accidents organized by the Institute of Transport Technical University of Silesia in Katowice. Participation in the project "The first stage of implementation of a comprehensive Development Program Silesian University of Technology," co-financed by the EU under the ESF with POKL, 2008-2011, Teaching and teaching materials for students of interdisciplinary doctoral studies -Bioinżynieria: "Basic problems of biomechanical modeling of structures" "Analysis and data processing radiological" "Analysis of Interval and fuzzy biomechanical structures" "Advanced Modelling of biomechanical structures" "Computer-assisted planning surgical procedures and diagnosis of dangerous conditions in the human skeletal system" Participation in the project "InterEdu" - the development of materials and consultations at the stage of implementation of lectures in 3D system, 2011

Internships and participation in the courses:

at the turn of the year 1986/87 he was held industrial internship (6 months) in the Office of Project Delivery Department Metallurgical Machinery and Equipment "HUTMASZPROJEKT-HAPEKO" in Katowice. At the turn of the year 1991-1992. Took place scientific training (4 months) at the Institute Superior Technico UTL Lisboa in Portugal as a "lecturer". In 1993. He took part in a course Advanced TEMPUS Course Mathematical Method in Computer Aided Optimal Design at Charles University in Prague (1 week.) In 1996 in the Intensive School on Optimal Design Theory and Applications at the University of Pavia in Pavia (1 week .). In 1999,. He attended a course Design for Quality, organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Serinar Forli-Cesena Ltd., conducted a lecture on the finite element method and boundary element method (Bertinoro, 1 week). Also in 1999. He scored spend a few days in plants Zwick in Germany (Ulm) at the invitation Zwick-Poland, in 2000. Spend a few days in Gottmadingen in Germany in plants Roel-Amsler at the invitation of the Directorate of the Company Zwick. In 2003. Was in Shinshu University in Nagano in Japan (with Prof. M. Tanaka) - he took part in the conference ISIP2003 and delivered a lecture to students of the semester diploma. Departure sponsored by Min. of Foreign Affairs of Japan (1 week.). In 2007. He took part in the Summer Workshop of the ESS (European Society of Biomechanics) at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland and in 2009 in the course (Workshop) at the conference to ICCB in Bertinoro, Italy. In 2005 and 2012 he took part in a workshop at the Instituto Superior Technico, CEMUL, Lisbon in Portugal at the conference ICCB2005 and ESB Congress 2012.

Performed functions in the Silesian University of Technology

Since 2005. He is a member of the permanent commission for degrees and titles in the discipline of Mechanics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1990 and early 1991. He was Secretary of recruitment (recruiting) for full-time studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1997-2000 he was verifier indexes in the Department of Strength of Materials and Computational Mechanics. Since 1994. Acts as guardian (head) Strength of Materials Laboratory in the Department of Strength of Materials and Computational Mechanics. V-ce Director for Teaching at the Institute of Mechanics and Computational Engineering, from 09.2012.

Membership in scientific societies:

  • ESB - European Society of Biomechanics (since 2010)
  • Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2007-2011 substitute member of the Audit Committee of Main Board)
  • Polish Society of Biomechanics (from 2012 a member of the Audit Committee),
  • Polish Association for Computational Mechanics, 1999-2009 member of the board (treasurer)
  • Association of Engineers and Technicians Polish
  • Biomechanics Section of Committee of Mechanics Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2008)
Schedule on

List of publications in the base of the Main Library of SUT
(database being updated)

 - all
 - Publications in journals from Web of Science
 - Publications in journals with Impact Factor



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