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<grudzień 2024>

Dr eng. Mirosław Dziewoński
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
room 151
tel. +48 32 237 1302

polish version



  • Computer methods in science
  • Information Technology
  • Technology in Medicine

Scientific activity

  • PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering obtained in 2001

Research interests

  • thermography,
  • computational modelling,
  • medical diagnostic,
  • modelling of bioheat transfer,
  • diagnostic systems
  • numerical simulations using FEM, BEM


  • Patent P.397895: Device to scan burns and difficult to heal wounds


For the invention "Combined Thermographic and Visual System for Diagnosis of Poorly Healing Burn Wounds":

  • Silver medal CONCOURS LEPINE 2013, Paris, France
  • Madal MINISTERE DE L'EDUCATION NATIONALE ROUMANIE • Gold medal with mention EUREKA, INNOWA 2013, Brussels, Belgium
  • Gold medal with mention INOVASIYON TURKIYE 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Złoty medal INOVA CROATIA 2013, Zagreb, Croatia


Author or co-author of ca. 70 papers and 4 books.


  • M.Dziewoński, OpenOffice 2.0. Oficjalny podręcznik. Wydawnictwo Helion, Gliwice 2005.
  • M. Dziewoński, M. Jasiński, G. Kałuża, E. Majchrzak, J. Mendakiewicz, M. Paruch, A. Piasecka-Belkhayat, Badania operacyjne. Teoria i zastosowania. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2007.
  • M.Dziewoński, OpenOffice 3.0. Oficjalny podręcznik. UX Systems, Gliwice 2008.
  • M. Dziewoński, OpenOffice 3.x PL. Oficjalny podręcznik. Wydawnictwo Helion, Gliwice 2009.

List of selected publications:

  • Majchrzak, E., Dziewonski, M. Heat transfer in biological tissue subjected to the action of cylindrical cryoprobe. COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Vol. 1, 29-36, 1999
  • Burczynski, T., Kus, W., Majchrzak, E., Orantek, P., Dziewoński, M.Evolutionary computation in identification of a tumor. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1250-1254, 2002
  • Burczynski, T., Majchrzak, E., Kus, W. Orantek, P., Dziewoński, M. Evolutionary computation in inverse problems. Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 117, 33-46, 2004
  • Dziewoński M., Planimetry of Termograms in Diagnosis of Burn Wounds Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, Vol. 8, 2009
  • Majchrzak E., Mochnacki B., Dziewoński M., Jasiński M., Numerical modelling of hyperthermia and hypothermia processes. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 268-270, 257 - 262, 2011
  • Majchrzak E., Dziewoński M., Nowak M., Kawecki M., Bachorz M., Kowalski, P. The design of a system for assisting burn and chronic wound diagnosis. Information technologies in biomedicine. ITIB 2012. Third international conference, Gliwice, Poland, June 11-13, 2012, Berlin Springer, 2012, s. 110-117
  • Dziewoński M. The device registering the encircling thermographs. 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting. ACEX2013, Madrid, Spain, 1-4 July 2013. Abstract book. Madrid : Ironix, 60, 2013
  • Ciesielski M., Dziewoński M., Freus S. Scanning method of temperature distribution of human body by device registering encircling images. 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting. ACEX2013, Madrid, Spain, 1-4 July 2013. Abstract book. Madrid : Ironix, 85-86, 2013.

Membership in academic associations:

  • Member of PACM (Polish Association for Computational Mechanics) since 2005


  • Training INFRARED TRAINING CENTER (ITC) - Thermography TRAINING LEVEL 1 organized by the EC TRAINING CENTER on infrared mapping, Certificate (ITC CERTIFIED INFRARED thermographer Level 1), October 2009


  • Research and development project no NR 13-0124-10, financed from NCBiR, entitled: „Diagnostic system supports the process of treatment of burn and chronic wounds”, 2010-2014, (main contractor).
  • Project „Interactive training for engineers INTEREDU” (task: Biomechanics) within the program “Operational Programme - Human Resources Development”, financed form EU budget - European Social Fund, 2010-2011, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no N N501 3667 34, financed from MNiSW: „Computer modeling and evaluation of the effectiveness of the impacts of high and low temperatures on biological tissue”, 2008-2011, (contractor).
  • Scientific project no KBN nr T11F 004 19: „ Modeling of bioheat transfer - inverse tasks, problems with moving boundaries, sensitivity analysis”, 2000-2003, (contractor).
Schedule on

List of publications in the base of the Main Library of SUT (database being updated)
 - all
 - Publications in journals from Web of Science
 - Publications in journals with Impact Factor



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