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<grudzień 2024>

Dr eng. Marek Jasiński
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
room 151
tel. +48 32 237 1302

english version


mechanics (computational methods)

Scientific activity

  • PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering obtained in 2001

Research interests

The main area of research interest concerns the mathematical modeling of thermal effects on biological tissues. The studies are taken into account the influence of external sources of high temperature and thermal impacts of various types of lasers to the tissue. Because usually in this kind of interaction tissue become damaged, so the different algorithms of tissue damage are considered. At the stage of numerical simulations different variants of the boundary element method (BEM) and the finite element method (FEM) and finite difference method (FDM) are applied. The direct and adjoint approach of sensitivity analysis are used in order to take into account the properties variability of biological objects resulting from differences between individuals.

The most important published works:

  • Majchrzak E., Jasiński M., Sensitivity Analysis of Burns Integrals with Respect to the Thermophysical Properties of Skin, Parallel processing and applied mathematics (Preceedings of 4th International conference. PPAM 2001, Nałęczów, Poland), Vol. 2328, 53-63, Springer 2002.
  • Majchrzak E., Jasiński M., Numerical Analysis of Bioheat Transfer Processes in Tissue Domain Subjected to a Strong External Heat Source Yao Z., Aliabadi M. H. (eds.), Boundary Elements Techniques. Tsinghua University Press, Springer, 377-382, 2002
  • Majchrzak E., Mochnacki B., Jasiński M., Numerical modelling of bioheat transfer in multi-layer skin tissue domain subjected to a flash fire, Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (Proceedings 2nd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA), Vol. 2, Elsevier 2003.
  • Jasiński M., Sensitivity Analysis of Transient Bioheat Transfer with Perfusion Rate Dependent on Tissue Injury, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Science, 16, 267-277, 2009.
  • Piasecka-Belkhayat A., Jasiński M., Modelling of UV laser irradiation of anterior part of human eye with interval optic parameters, Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Optimization and Control. Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems (Eds. T. Burczyński, J. Périaux), 316 -321, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2011 .
  • Majchrzak E., Mochnacki B., Dziewoński M., Jasiński M., Numerical modelling of hyperthermia and hypothermia processes, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 268-270, 257 - 262, 2011
  • Jasiński M., Investigation of tissue thermal damage process with application of direct sensitivity method, MCB: Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol. 10, No 3, 201-232, 2013.

Membership in academic associations:

  • Member of PSB (Polish Society of Biomechanics) since 1999
  • Member of PACM (Polish Association for Computational Mechanics) since 2005
Schedule on

List of publications in the base of the Main Library of SUT (database being updated)
 - all
 - Publications in journals from Web of Science
 - Publications in journals with Impact Factor




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