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<grudzień 2024>

Dr eng. Mirosław Szczepanik
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
room 610 (CNT)
tel. +48 32 237 1487

polish version


mechanics (mechanics, computational methods, methods of artificial intelligence, optimization)

Scientific activity

  • PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering obtained in 2003 

Research interests  

I have mainly focused my academic interests on the application of the computational intelligence methods for optimization and identification of mechanical structures, with particular emphasis on the methods based on application of the swarm algorithms. In order to increase the effectiveness of the particle swarm optimizer I have proposed its modifications based on the cloning and gradient improvement and also the hybridization with quasi-newton gradient optimization method. I have compared the results obtained using swarm algorithms with the optimization and identification results computed by use of the evolutionary algorithms and artificial immune systems, designed in the Institute of Computational Mechanics and Engineering. I have developed also swarm methodology for topology optimization of shell and shell-solid structures and swarm methodology for optimization of the stiffeners arrangement and their shapes in the domain of the shell structures. Besides, I have applied the swarm algorithms for optimization and identification in acoustic problems, thermoelasticity problems, piezoelectric problems and composite problems.

The most important published works, among others:

  • Intelligent optimal design of spatial structures. Burczyński T., Szczepanik M., Computer & Structures,, Elsevier 2013.
  • Swarm optimization of stiffeners locations in 2-D structures. Szczepanik M., Burczyński T., Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, Vol. 60, No. 2, June 2012, pp. 241-246. Impact Factor 0.980
  • Immune identification of piezoelectric material constants using BEM Inverse Problems. Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., Dziatkiewicz G., Kuś W., Burczyński T., Science and Engineering, Publisher, Taylor & Francis 2011.
  • Topological evolutionary computing in the optimal design of 2D and 3D structures. Burczyński, T., Poteralski, A. and Szczepanik, M., Engineering Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 7, Tay-lor & Francis 2007, pp. 811 – 830.
  • Hybrid artificial immune system in identification of room acoustic properties. Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., Ptaszny J., Kuś W., Burczyński T., Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Taylor & Francis 2013.
  • Immune Computing: Intelligent Methodology and its applications in bioengineering and computational mechanics. Burczyński T., Bereta M., Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., Advanced Structured Materials, Vol. 1, Computer Methods in Mechanics. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
  • Bio-inspired optimization of thermomechanical structures., Szczepanik M., Poteralski A., Długosz A., Kuś W., Burczyński T., ICAISC 2013, Part II, LNAI 7895, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2013, pp. 79-90.
  • Comparison between PSO and AIS on the basis of identification of material constants in piezoelectrics. Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., Dziatkiewicz G., Kuś W., ICAISC 2013, Part II, LNAI 7895, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 2013, pp. 569-581.
  • Intelligent computing in evolutionary optimal shaping of solids, Burczynski T., Dlugosz A., Kuś W., Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., [in:] Chu H.W., Savoie M.J., Sanchez B. (eds.): 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol. 3, Austin, 2005, pp. 294-298.
  • Hybrid particle swarm optimizer and its application in identification of room acoustic properties, Szczepanik M., Poteralski A., Ptaszny J., Burczyński T., [in:] Rutkowski L. et al. (eds.): Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (SIDE’ 12 and EC’ 12). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7269, Springer-Verlag, Berlin- Heidelberg 2012.
  • Genetic generation of 2-D and 3-D structures. Burczyński T., Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A. 2003.
  • Sequential and Distributed Evolutionary Computations in Structural Optimization. Burczyński T., Kuś W., Długosz A., Poteralski A., Szczepanik M., ICAISC International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 3070, Springer 2004.

Organizational activities:

  • An advisor of the students scientific association “PolSl Racing” founded on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Silesian University of Technology in 2012.
  • An faculty advisor of the students practice development

Prizes, awards, membership in academic associations, among others:

  • Member of ISSMO (International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization) since 2009
  • Member of PACM (Polish Association for Computational Mechanics) since 2005
Schedule on

List of publications in the base of the Main Library of SUT (database being updated)
 - all
 - Publications in journals from Web of Science<
 - Publications in journals with Impact Factor



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